Friday, September 25, 2009


I can't believe I'm posting this instead of studying in the library...
I was just really sick of my layout so ta-da a new one!
I also have a bunch of pictures to update with... I'm just short on time. For now just a few that I already edited. (Actually just three pictures, each with two different edits).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mr. Squirrel

I walked outside to get the newspaper today and saw a squirrel and four crows hanging out beneath the cherry trees eating the spoiled fruit that had dropped. I immediately ran inside to get my camera, and when I got back they were actually still there! While the crows were smart enough to back away from me (not that I would want pictures of ugly crows anyway) Mr. Squirrel here was too busy with his fruit to give me any notice. He let me slowly inch towards him far enough to get in some decent shots before finally scampering away.

Just some different editing.
My favorite shot, doesn't that look yummy!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Yumm, cherries!

Time for a much needed update. Yet again just pictures of flowers I've taken around the yard and some of cherries too! We had soooo many yellow cherries this year, unfortunately they don't photograph well even if their blossoms did. Fortunately after buckets and buckets of yellow we actually got some off of our sickly red cherry tree too. Just enough for a pie (which was de-lic-ious)!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

Just under a week ago I celebrated my 21st birthday.
My parents and I went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for burritos and margaritas.
So delicious.
Here are just a few pictures I wanted to share.
I didn't bother editing them since they were just taken with my dad's point and shoot.

My mom got me this digital photo frame to show off all my pictures.
It LOOKS like a real photo frame!

Anyone who has been lucky enough to taste my mom's cheesecake knows how amazing it is.
She spent years trying recipe after recipe until she finally found the perfect one.
For my birthday she tried a new version of this recipe
Mint Chocolate Chip!
ZOMG it was amazing!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nature Pictures [Midland and Vienna]

Felt like having a Springy post so I'm just putting up some nature pictures this time. Which ones are Vienna and which ones are Midland? I'll never tell... Okay, okay, the first three are Midland and the last three are Vienna, stop having a cow!

I have a bunch more pictures of Vienna to be added later (along with some from Burano and Murano) I just don't have the energy for a big post right now.
As you can see it was time for an all-around Spring revamp and there are now pretty flowers in my header and profile picture.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

When In Roma!

This may be my last post actually from Italy. I'm almost finished with exams and then its a week and a half of traveling before finally going home (which I am no where near ready to do).

The Colosseum at night.

Some B/W photoshopping.

Inside the Colosseum.
Looking out over the Tiber River.
Trevi FountainCiao!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Paestum & Pompeii

So apparently I'm only capable of updating once a month...
Over spring break I explored Southern Italy including the Greek ruins of Paestum and the Roman ruins of Pomeii.

Vesuvius looming over the city it destroyed. Pretty much anywhere you go in the Naples area you have a perfect view of the volcano, it was the first thing we saw when we got off the train.

This is in the tunnel going into the amphitheater. It was in so much better condition than the Colosseum (which by the way I saw last week and will add pics of soon). We sat on the grass in the middle of this amphitheater and ate pizza lol! How Italian is that?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finally a lack of laziness!

Okay, I'm finally updating this thing. However, these pictures are a few weeks old because I forgot to put the newer ones from my camera on to my laptop before I left home this morning. The rest will have to be posted with my spring break pictures after I get back next week (Naples here I come!)
These pictures are going to be light on the explanations for the sake of time (and the fact that I forget what church was where).

This was actually outside of a monastery, I just thought it looked cool lol.We went to a nunnery and saw an intact medieval kitchen, so cool!

The three nuns who still live there (they use a different kitchen now). They normally don't let people see them, but they really wanted to meet us and let us take their picture!

The head nun.

Some cool old wagon lol!

And to end....yeah Charlie, yeah!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

REALLY old books.

Okay last post of the day (make sure you scroll down to see the first two).

We went to the city library which is completely under construction, but they were nice enough to bring out some of their most important books to show us. Some of these were written before the printing press, others are from the Renaissance era.
These next for pics are from an astrological book, it was pretty amazing.

These circles MOVED to tell the astrological time. How awesome is that?
I really love how this picture came out. None of these were too easy to take because she was moving the pages so quickly. All of these were taken inside without a flash *hugs Zeus*

The oldest book in the library with gold leaf illumination and hand written script.
Obviously its a Bible because that was what the monks wrote mostly.

By the way, do you like my new header? Laura insisted I needed one with Italy pics so she made me this. I think it looks awesome! Thanks so much!