Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nature Pictures [Midland and Vienna]

Felt like having a Springy post so I'm just putting up some nature pictures this time. Which ones are Vienna and which ones are Midland? I'll never tell... Okay, okay, the first three are Midland and the last three are Vienna, stop having a cow!

I have a bunch more pictures of Vienna to be added later (along with some from Burano and Murano) I just don't have the energy for a big post right now.
As you can see it was time for an all-around Spring revamp and there are now pretty flowers in my header and profile picture.


marie said...

yay for spring pictures. perfect picture choice for the header.
the duck one looks great with the reflection in the water

Laura said...

Marie!! Sarah says it one of your ducks, what the heck kinda duck is that!.

Sarah great pics as I told you when you added them LoL but hey who doesn't love to read a comment cause comments are love.

Love Sarah...LOVE!

Sarah said...

lmao how did I not see the reflection in the water before? clearly I am blind!

Lei-lei, comments are totally love *smiles*