Tuesday, January 27, 2009

REALLY old books.

Okay last post of the day (make sure you scroll down to see the first two).

We went to the city library which is completely under construction, but they were nice enough to bring out some of their most important books to show us. Some of these were written before the printing press, others are from the Renaissance era.
These next for pics are from an astrological book, it was pretty amazing.

These circles MOVED to tell the astrological time. How awesome is that?
I really love how this picture came out. None of these were too easy to take because she was moving the pages so quickly. All of these were taken inside without a flash *hugs Zeus*

The oldest book in the library with gold leaf illumination and hand written script.
Obviously its a Bible because that was what the monks wrote mostly.

By the way, do you like my new header? Laura insisted I needed one with Italy pics so she made me this. I think it looks awesome! Thanks so much!

1 comment:

Chloe said...

Dang, Am I jealous! It looks amazing babe!!! Easter is not soon enough.