Saturday, September 27, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

Its amazing how much inspiration can come from right in your own backyard or living room.

I swear the green thumb is totally my mom.

And now for inside...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Digital Rocks!

So I finally got myself a new SLR camera, and I just have to say digital rocks. I had been fighting with my old hand-me-down SLR that was my mom's in the '70's, but no more! I am now the proud owner of a Olympus evolt e-510!

Today I went for a walk around the river and tridge area of my hometown (for those of you with no idea what a tridge is, it is a a three way bridge and I'm pretty sure its just a Midland thing... because well we are weird). Anyway here are a few pics from today, as you can see me and Zeus (yes I named my camera Zeus, I thought it fitting considering it is an Olymus) still have some getting to know eachother to do. Hopefully before too long my pictures will look much better.

The view from underneath the tridge.There are statues like this all over the park, but this cute old couple is by far my favorite.
One thing I really need to work on... no blurriness!

I wanted to get some animal shots, but all I could really find was this metallic-y fly. You can see him really well in the actual size...Wow... okay that's it for my first post, but stay tuned I still have more. Don't worry, not all posts will be this long.